The "Land of Orient" section
"Japan given to us in symbols, flora and fauna, people and interpretations" is a title of fine essays by the famous Japanologist Professor Alexander Mescheryakov on three things - a fan, a mirror and an umbrella - without which one can hardly imagine Japan. The essay is illustrated by literary examples. The journalist Elizabeth Sumlenova shares her impressions of the visit to the Shvedagon complex of pagodas in Myanmar. The history of the first colonial conquests of Europeans in Africa is first of all linked to the invasion of Portugal into Morocco in the XV century. Upon researching materials in the Portuguese archives Professor Anatoly Khazanov describes dramatic events of that time. Abdulhamid Bulatov studies of various types of Shamanism still being practised in Daghestan. Professor Vladimir Alpatov describes some of 900 matsuri, local holidays in Tokyo. Ethnologist Anna Tsendina who has studied the art in Tibetan monasteries shares her impressions and observations of how ritual sculptures are created from yak milk. Andrei Lankov and Tatiana Gabrusenko continue their "Korean scenes". Russian sculptor Nikolai Silis recalls his friend Nazim Hikmet, Turkish poet who used to live in the USSR. "Metamorphoses of Salamander" is an article by Orientalist Alexander Yurchenko who analyzes ideas of thinkers from different centuries about this mysterious creature.
The "Writings" section
Russian scholar Victor Golubev went to Paris in 1905 and soon started excavations of the Angkor temple complex in Cambodia. Vladimir Antoschenko tells about this work, which took all Golubev’s life. Nikita Sokolov reflects on life and teachings of Osho, Indian guru. A Russian graphic artist Mai Miturich and a Japanese calligrapher Ryuseki Morimoto created together combinations on the subject of haiku by the famous poet Matsuo Basho. The article by Svetlana Khromchenko and Ainura Yusupova tells us about this exhibiton. The permanent presenter of the culinary rubric Ivan Zaharchenko introduces to the readers such delicacies as morays baked in palm leaves, yam chips and many others. The issue is concluded with traditional columns: "Orientnet" and "Reader".
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