The "Land of Orient" section open with an essay by Natalya Skorlygina who studied the Hakka people in Southern China. Yuri Averyanov answers the question, "Why did Rembrandt choose an unusual theme, talking Sufi sages, for one of his paintings?" In presenting Shashi Tharur’s "The Great Indian Novel", Irina Glushkova emphasizes that the images and ideas of the "Mahabharata" are still living in India. Tokhir Kalandarov (Tajikistan) writes about ostons, the saints’ graves, which are worshipped by local population. Alexander Yurchenko traces the metamorphosis of basilisk, a fantastic animal, partly a cock, partly a snake. "Japan as we see it in symbols, flora and fauna, people and feelings" - such is the title of an essay by Alexander Mescheryakov who offers his version of the following images: pine-tree, bamboo, cricket, turtle, etc. South Iranian town of Bam, which has seen numerous armed conflicts, attracted Igor Alyukov’s attention.
The "Writings" section, which is aimed i.a. at popularising the holdings of the Russian State Library, opens with large publication by Boris Riftin who presents Chinese popular cheap prints from RSL collection. Vera Grechaninova acquaints the reader with the life and activities of Russian Orthodox priest Nikolay Kasatkin who served in Japan. The National Library of Russia in Saint Petersburg holds a collection of drawings collected by Zakhar Leontyevsky, 19th century Russian scholar - they are described by Olga Vasilyeva. Mikhail Bredis presents the poets of Medieval Cambodia whose works have reached us in stone inscriptions.
The cycle of publications about national cuisines of the Oriental peoples is continued by an essay of Olga Bibikova on traditional cuisine of various Arabic countries.
The issue is concluded with traditional columns: "Orientnet" and "Reader".
The «Orientnet» heading is not just a kind of guide-book on Internet resources about the Orient but also an opportunity to exchange information. Please mail (email) your wishes, suggestions and comments to the following address: orientnet@rsl.ru