Olga Vasilyeva. A Gift from Khusraw-Mirza to Count Simonich. The National Library of Russia keeps several unique manuscript books presented by the Shah of Iran to the Russian Emperor Nicholas I. The author traces these manuscripts in time and space, revealing a new part of Russian history.
Natalya Prigarina, Yuri Averyanov. Yusuf’s Escaping Beauty. Jami in his poetry praised Yusuf’s beauty, but the artists avoided expressing it in image. This is explained by the concept of beauty advocated by Jami. This publication features miniatures from the manuscript of Jami’s famous poem «Yusuf and Zulaikha», which is kept in the Russian State Library.
Dmitry Voskresensky. The West as Seen by a Chinese Diplomat. The next part of an article published in No. 2. Extracts from the diary kept by a Chinese diplomat are accompanied by commentary of the well-known Russian Sinologist. This time the diary tells us about 19th century Saint Petersburg as seen by a Chinese eye.
Valeria Prischepova. «With a View to Satisfy Common Interest...» The name of General Kaufmann is mentioned most often with regard to Russian military campaigns in Central Asia in 1860-1870es. But he was also concerned with development of these lands, creation of the library, organisation of ethnographic expeditions.
Elena Tseshinskaya. Dearer than Gold and Nephrite. The Oriental collection of the Rybinsk Museum and Reserve on Upper Volga includes a small number of Chinese teapots, each deserving a detailed story. According to the Chinese tradition, everything has not only practical, but also aesthetic value.
The Land of Orient
Alexander Poleschuk. Ticket to Carthage. Modernity and antiquity are interwoven in this travelogue. The story is centred on the history of the great Oriental town destroyed by Rome.
Vladimir Belyakov. Egyptomania. In Russia, fascination with the culture of Ancient Egypt, which sometimes became a real mania, rose in the early 19th century and did not fade for a hundred years.
Viktor Usov. Courtesans of All-Under-Heaven. The opinion of prostitution in China differs from Europe. The author proves this by many examples from history and literature.
Natalia Chekurova. Following the Way of White Clouds. This is a lyrical story of a journey through Tibet, rich in numerous details that remain in memory. Having made kora, a walk around the sacred mountain of Kailasa, the author and her companions managed it to the little known monastery of Chorten Nyima.
Andrey Strelkov. In Search of Shambhala. The legend of Shambhala has a certain historical background. The article traces the origin and development of this legend.
Valentina Kharitonova. Shamans without Tambourines. The article is devoted to revival of traditional beliefs and rites the Republic of Khakassia.
Olga Naumova. Visions and Symbols of Anatoly Kaplan. The Centre of Judaic Studies has been created in Saint Petersburg. One of the first actions that took place in the Centre was the exhibition of works by Anatoly Kaplan, an artist with his own special style.
Viktor Pogadaev. Head-Hunters’ Tattoo. The art of tattooing is known everywhere, but in Indonesia, unlike many other places, it still has ritual significance. The author is acquainted with one native of Borneo who follows the Dayak tradition of regularly adding tattoos to celebrate the main events in his life.
As usual, in the end of this issue our reader will find traditional columns: «Reader» and «Orientnet».
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